

Case of Operation and Maintenance of Company L’s Online Movie Reservation System


  • Functional improvements and new features to improve the problems of the existing online reservation system
  • Introduction of profiling based on customer movement identified by collected behavioral information and advanced analytics
  • Analysis and design of customer movement, provision of customized indicator system, data delivery
  • Providing visualization of result indicators by deriving different action items and presenting action plans


  • Utilizing various customized services related to entertainment services such as payment, marketing, and design
  • Increasing sales through personalized services tailored to member data and consumption patterns

Goal of Establishment

Utilizing various customized services related to entertainment services and suggesting new ways and experiences to enjoy movies

Introduction Effect

  • Provision of an integrated 'Direct Reservation' service that allows one-stop cross-reservation of PLC, SKU movies and theaters
  • Increasing payment conversion rate and attracting new customers by introducing various payment method solutions
  • In addition to the application, a mobile web order service was introduced to expand contact-free online ordering.
  • Expansion of smart kiosk service and UI improvement by strengthening unmanned service

Technology and Service

  • Agile
  • DevOps
  • MSA
  • Soap
  • React
  • NodeJS
  • Ajax
  • SmartX Framework
  • RxJava
  • Retrofit
  • Dagger
  • Tts
  • Google Cloud Vision
  • Voice Recognition Technology
  • AWS CodeCommit & S3 Bucket
  • Jenkins CI/CD
  • ElasticSearch
#MSA #DevOps #Cloud Native #Data Innovation #E-Commerce Strategy #Mashup