Town hall meeting on development of LG Uplus media platform conversion to MSA and DevOps introduction project

On Tuesday, May 10, 2022, town hall meeting on development of LG Uplus media platform conversion to MSA and DevOps introduction project was held in the underground lecture hall at a MEGAZONE building.
In the first order of the meeting, Executive Director Oh Min-seok expressed his gratitude to all the project TF members for their hard work over the past year. In addition, he gave a message of fully engaging themselves in the project during the project period.

In the next step, Director Ryu Seok-hyeong, who hosted the town hall meeting, as the project manager for on development of LG Uplus Media Platform conversion to MSA and DevOps introduction, introduced himself and shared his future plans and commitments.

First of all, we will be all ears.
- We will listen carefully to LG Uplus’ thoughts from kick-off to the present.
- We will listen to the issues raised during implementation first, and propose verified opinions based on sufficient internal review.
- I will listen to uncomfortable words attentively.
We will implement the project through transparent and fast communication.
- We will communicate more transparently and quickly, recognizing that we are the same body for the project.
- We will clearly report major issues and issues on project direction and obtain approval before proceeding.
- We will manage issues with tenacity lest they don’t be buried.
We will strengthen the role of part leader.
- Considering large-scale tasks, we will strengthen performance of each part leader's role and make each task more professionally performed.
- By strengthening prior consultation, we will ensure that each part and related project is carried out organically.
- PMs will be responsible for performance of projects and the part leader will be responsible for proceeding the project.

Team Leader Oh Hyung-seok of LG Uplus said that the service was open, but it was so successful that customers didn't even know it was open! We are so proud of projects members of MEGAZONE.DIGITAL, LG Uplus and members of MSA Projects.

Director Cho Joo-hee, who has worked so hard for the past year, also shared her thoughts. thank Director Cho Joo-hee very much for her hard work. She has been running tirelessly over the past year thinking from the standpoint of customers, colleagues, and the company. She will continue to work hard for the project together with Director Ryu Seok-hyung.

Town hall meeting on development of LG Uplus media platform conversion to MSA and DevOps implementation project will be held every month.
As Executive Director Oh Min-seok said, we support you to carry out the project with sincerity.
Our People Team will also help the project with sincerity.
Thank all the participants.